Making change

Lee Bartran Photography | Humanitarian & Non-Profit Photographer | Visual Storyteller

As I stepped into the dimly lit room, cold patterned tiles below my feet, I slowly breathed in my surroundings. For the next few hours, my job was to capture what happens within the walls of this 300 square foot space.

Looking back through the door I just entered, I see a world so different from my own.

Lee Bartran Photography | Humanitarian & Non-Profit Photographer | Visual Storyteller
Lee Bartran Photography | Humanitarian & Non-Profit Photographer | Visual Storyteller
Lee Bartran Photography | Humanitarian & Non-Profit Photographer | Visual Storyteller
Lee Bartran Photography | Humanitarian & Non-Profit Photographer | Visual Storyteller

But inside was a blanket covered room, scattered with sparse supplies, and crowded with a room full of wide-eyed, barefoot kids. 

My memory quickly flashes to my own early school years, with rows of neatly spaced desks brimming with new school supplies, that were my very own. I remember my new shoes and shiny backpack each year, hot lunches every day and swinging on the playground was my absolute favorite thing.

As the teacher clapped her hands to begin, I was pulled back into reality. This is Jodhpur, India. This is education for the kids who don’t attend public schools. There is no playground, no hot lunches, and only one box of markers to share with everyone…...and only on special days do they get to use them. 

Lee Bartran Photography | Humanitarian & Non-Profit Photographer | Visual Storyteller
Lee Bartran Photography | Humanitarian & Non-Profit Photographer | Visual Storyteller
Lee Bartran Photography | Humanitarian & Non-Profit Photographer | Visual Storyteller

Sigh…, so different than my own school years. 

Yet this was a room brimming full of hope.

Here, Sambhali Trust has created a unique learning center focusing on the ones who need it most. Incredibly dedicated teachers, working with few supplies in a very small space are making a huge difference. Giving these kids the opportunity that many of their parents never had. 

Lee Bartran Photography | Humanitarian & Non-Profit Photographer | Visual Storyteller
Lee Bartran Photography | Humanitarian & Non-Profit Photographer | Visual Storyteller

There are just TWO DAYS left in my matching donation campaign to donate to Sambhali Trust.

I was so fortunate to meet this local family that runs Sambhali Trust, hear their story and see their heart in action. Their dedication to making a difference, transparency and honesty with funds was so admirable.

Our family is chipping in towards a teachers annual salary….maybe you want to join us, or donate $25 for book and supplies? Donations can be made here if you are so inspired: Thank you!!

Lee Bartran Photography | Humanitarian & Non-Profit Photographer | Visual Storyteller