Over my head......


At the end of a long hard day of work, one of the best feelings is just coming home. You know, that place where you can take off your shoes, sit down and relax, take a deep breath and just "let go"....... because you’re home. For me, it's my safe place, away from the outside world where I recharge and reconnect with those I love.


But on my recent trip to Malawi, I met many families, mostly single moms, who don't get to share in that "feeling" because many times that place they are coming home to, is soaked. There is no relaxing, but hours of work drying out the few personal belongings they have because of their roof.


Parched grass, spread across a few boards, exposed to the harsh sun and rain, make up a common roof for many people in this village. So, I sat down one day, stopped to listen what life was like for these families. "I am a single mom with five children at home. My husband left me five years ago, and this is my home. It is very difficult to provide for my children now. My roof is a problem....as when it rains we get water in our house. We have to then take everything outside to dry", and then she paused and looked away. I heard the struggle in her voice, in everyone's voice, as they each shared a similar story with me. A basic necessity of life that I completely take for granted, yet for these families it is a heavy reminder of the daily struggle they face. My promise to these families was to share their story and find the funds necessary so they each could have a basic tin roof for their home.


Chipembere Community Development Organization has thoroughly assessed the basic brick repairs needed for each home and the cost of materials and construction for new roofs for many families in this one local village. The materials for Finally caught up after my Malawi trip and wanted to circle back around to the "roof story" I posted early and share a bit more.one roof is a mere $133.33, yet they can't afford that. The Gross National Income in Malawi is $1200 US per year, and for the families in this village, far, far below that average.

If you are inspired to help in any way, I would love your support. It is one very small step in making change, and definitely won't solve a problem for everyone, but for these few it will give them shelter from the sun and rain, comfort and new hope that daily life can be just a little bit better.

With Chipembere Community Development Organization and Photographers Without Borders

Click here to donate: https://grouprev.com/everyonedeservesaroof

Lee Bartran